Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Apologizes from the author

I must say sorry, but this blog is dead until I get a new computer. Long story short thats about it. When I get a new one maybe then fallout will run well enough to continue, but for now I must say farwell.

Saturday, September 19, 2009


((Delayed due to testing new effects and ideas for the blog. Most turn out to be failures, but I am still diverging into more areas of interactment and media. Also I hate my voice and recording equipment. Back to our regular scheduled program.....))



Multimedia enable.. (Y/N)


Setting up parameters...........

Function enabled.....


Holotape: 26

Time: 14:29

September 29, 2279


Today was interesting....but then again what day isn't? I almost ended up being eaten alive, blown up, shot at, drowned, pierced, and reconstructed. Danger is starting to develop as my middle name and likewise I am starting to embrace it.

Long story short is that I went to find Pinkerton today, but the Mirelurk clean up project wasn't done yet. I decided enough time was wasted and I needed to find that android now, so I picked up my rifle and headed to the broken bow to find out for myself the mystery of the ghost of Pinkerton.

Catchy. Anyway the problem was that the door to the bow was locked from the other side and the only other way to get in was in a small hole in the detached bow....that was....underwater at best. I hadn't needed to learn how to swim much in my life (other then recreational), but I put myself to the test and swam through the ripped asunder tunnel and made it inside.

That makes it sound simple, but I can say without a doubt that I almost drowned. i made it halfway when a door blocked my path and I had to open it up underwater and continue the rest of the way without a single breath. My lungs still ache.....

After the almost drowning, I then proceeded into a horrible rotten section of the ship that was half flooded and half filled with man-eating mirelurks and then distaste for my current state of living. Suffice to say I had my trigger down most the way through the whole mess. Walk up some stairs, shot a mirelurk, walk downstairs, shoot a mirelurk, walk around, get blown the hell up by some pieced together death trap!

I almost killed Pinkerton when I found him. Yes, I did find him hiding behind many traps and doors. I don't really want to get into it, but I was a bit pissed when I found him. Apparently he exists and is hiding there to conduct research on god knows what. He just yelled at me for a while and then gave me what I needed if I "got the hell out". Intelligence doesn't always make the man it seems.

I need to know plan my next course of action. I want to see what Zimmer has to offer in tech, but then again can I really doom a man to servitude for it? Even if it is simply a machine? Does that make me a slaver? I must think......


Android Log 3

I got those memories into that Android like I was God sending down messages from Heaven. Calls himself "Harkness" now. Thinks he's an old combat veteran. Did a little extra tinerking with his reflex system. He's certainly not someone I'd want to meet in a fight. When he "woke up" he was all confused. We told him he was in a coma for a long time. Between the new memories and the new face I gave him, there isn't anyone that would recognize him. Not even himself!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Super Hunting

Holotape: 25

Time: 12:43

Date: September 28, 2279


Today I spent the whole day killing super mutants and conversing with traders. I woke up this morning in a foul mood that was biting at my subconscious. I tried to shake it as I had a quick breakfast in the Marketplace, but it get nagging at me. I quickly decided that my search for Pinkerton could wait and I needed to get some action to burn off my anger. I grabbed my plasma rifle from the room I have been renting and set out to the outside world of post apocolyptia.

I headed past the swing bridge and down a long flight of stairs to the ground floor to be greeted by a caravan guard waiting for her trader. She reminded me of Lucy and I quickly hurried off without so much as a hello. The path I choose was blocked and I didn't feel like going into the subways, so I backtracked into the opposite direction and headed for the Jefferson Monument.

Honestly I had no clue why I felt the way i did....but I guess it didn't really matter anyway. I came up to the memorial quickly and soon changed that plan when I saw the barricades and human remains scattered around from the recent super mutant activity. I crouched down and put on foot in front of the other carefully as I moved to the monument. My feet trembled soon after putting so much weight on my legs and I ended up falling down slightly into a sitting position. My quick movement apparently alerted the closest mutant as he screamed and took out his taped together PPSH.

I had barley enough time to roll out of the way of his first shot, the bullet graving the side of my arm as it flew by. I already had my plasma rifle ready and aimed up as Lucy once taught me. As I aimed into my sights....I could see that the mutant knew his fate. For a split second he seemed have fear in his eyes and tried with all his might to reload his gun. In that split second I wasn't my proudest moment.

He fired as I stood there and ended up hitting my leg as I tried to move out of the way. I moved slower after I was hit and without thinking I rapidly fired my gun. at that point.....I guess it was over. At the time I didn't know that and I hid behind a car trying to bandage my wound quickly before anything came around to finish the job. As I wrapped a torn peice of fabric around my leg, I quickly realized it was quiet. The fear inside me grew as I atempted to look over the car carfully and what I saw shook me. where the mutant once was sat a fresh pile of green ooze. Back in base, our standard rifles never did anything remotely this complicated. Ours just burnt the victum like an acid....this turned them into acid.

I didn't have time to think much on the subject as another mutant came down from a risen platform and started firing. This time the thought of pity never overcame me....I ended it. A few flashes from my rifle and it was all over, but strangely never turned this mutant to ooze. My blasts have a much larger area then a bullet and it seems the mutant cannot dodge them easily. I will file this information away for later.

The rest of them were easily taken out. Their minds seem to have not developed as their bodies have and it was easy enough to take them out from a distance. One even tried to rush me with a spiked staff! I am starting to wonder how so many even managed to emerge and take over the DC ruins......

I hear from reports that they take their victims alive and.....and turn them into one of them, but it seems so unfathomable that people are even stupid enough to be captured. One would have to be weaponless or tied up to be taken, for most with a decent aim and weapon would have no problem killing them.

There must be more to this then I can see...

One notable location from my travels today is an old pre-war boat rental area. The office build of the rental place shared nothing of notable worth (other then a lot of alcoholic beverages), but it did serve as a nice resting spot. It was almost humorous to see witty pre-war attractions to bring in the masses. Through all our great technology and intellect...I swear one day I shall make a parrot talk....
The final part of my day was talking with a young trader named Lakisha. She was half a scaver and half a trader which makes for a notably impressive job. She finds everything she sells so to get the most profit. A dangerous profession, but I could almost see myself doing that. Almost.

We talked about local events and other pointless conversations to keep our social needs happy. I guess we both just wanted someone to talk to....even if for a while. So we chatted for most the day and she showed me some wastelander tricks (I.E. unjamming weapons easily) and in return I gave her a few stimpacks and ammo. She asked if I wanted to stay the night, but I told her I must get back to Rivet.
I guess tomorrow I shall find Pinkerton...or whats left of him....but today was nice to just get out and explore the wasteland. I feel better by clearing the wasteland of evils that I helped create and in return met a decent person out there. The Capitol Wasteland is full of surprises.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Can't find the droid I am looking for..

Holotape: 234

Time: 19:33

Date: September 27, 2279


I must say that having an air craft for my personal use is a lot better then wandering around the wasteland of foot. I can say that I am making a large change in my daily routine and how I go about my business. It reminds me of my days with Lucky's Caravan. I might look into starting my own trading business only without partnership with slavers and using a vertibird to get out of harms way in the rugged Capitol Wasteland.

People treat you diffrent when you have an advanced peice of equipment and go as you please without worry or harm. I don't know if it is jealousy or the fact i am operating a Enclave vehicle. Why do so many hate the Enclave so much? They seem to change their tone when I say I just found it and scaved it. I will never understand people....

I don't know why I did it, but the first person I went to about my android problem was Moria. I guess it was all the time we spent together on experiments and robotics. Either way it was a smart move on my part it seems. She had an old holotape, much like this one, that told of a man looking for full re-constructional surgery. I figured it must be my missing android. Moria said that is was said to be a joke passed around the wasteland. was more like, "Oh but that's just an old myth. Nobody knows how to do that anymore sweety. Hehe, it would be like a molerat learning how to operate a quazimolarity disconstructor!" But you know how she is...

Either way I figure the next logical step was to go back to Rivet City the next day and ask around the local intelects if they know anything. I guess the biggest city in the Capitol Wasteland would know more then anybody on the matter. I really hoped to get an answer so my journy wasn't that far out of the way. I may have a Vertibird, but that doesn't mean I am any safer in my travels. I just don't have to walk everywhere.

I asked around Rivet City for the next day and had some interesting conversations with the locals. I am starting to connect to these people. I stretched out to learn more then some missing android. The one thing I must say that made me jump was a child. Not that fact she WAS a child, but the fact that she was so polite. Every child I had run into around the wasteland was either a slave, a beast, or a brat. I must commend the parents on their success at raising a proud example of American genes.
My conversations finally led me to a man named Bannon. I can say without a hint of grief that this man is a complete ass. He holds a council seat that I hear Seagraves it trying to take from him, but so far that was jsut word of mouth rumors. If it is true though, I may just help Seagraves out.

Bannon blathered on about his problems and talked down to me the whole time, but I did find a small tidbit of information. Apparently a old founder of Rivet City, named Pinkerton, used to be quite the genius at Facial Reconstruction. I don't know if this man is still alive, but I guess the android might try his chances anyway. Help since I heard from overhearing the kids talk that people say his ghost lingers in the broken bow. I might just have to explore there after the guards clear up the current infestation of Mirlurks....

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Rivet City

Holotape: 23

Time: 19:46

Date: September 25, 2279


These past few days have been a long way past the term "interesting" and have completely changed my objectives. I'm starting to wonder if I'll ever find at least the location of Raven Rock. It is odd such a large facility would be so carefully if we didn't even want our staff to know where it is located. Could explain a lot and the reason why I don't even know. Maybe for this exact reason if someone like me got stranded...they wouldn't want us blabbing about its location to the Brotherhood or some other evil.

Either way I still find it odd that the only evidence I have found of their existence is an abandoned outpost with a crazed trooper hiding inside. It is as if the entire Enclave has been erased from existence. With all the stories of wars against the brotherhood and their giant robot to the stories of the beasts we helped create in DC....I expected a lot more enclave Troopers around the wastes.....

Today made me realize that I have to stop focusing on getting back to base and becoming further focused on my needs and what I want to do in this world. I guess I am meant to wander until I find my true calling...funny...I always thought it was science. Bah.

The automated vertibird controls worked like a charm and I had no problem with it further. The in-board map labeled Rivet City showed it south-east of my current position and far into the city on the shores. Makes sense since it is supposed to be a docked carrier. Funny though that on the same map a large "X" is present in some mountains a long way north-west from here. I'll have to look into that later.

The flight was long and frivolous. Nothing really happened and I sat back and read a book titled "Ender's Game". It was stashed away in one of the storage boxes and its condition was quite destroyed. Enough was left to properly read the book, but I feel some parts were missing. Either way it was an outstanding piece of fiction titling the horrors of humanity and how war like we can be. Funny saying this as I look around a barren wasteland as a personification of that exact point.

It makes me rethink my entire life and the way I handle situations. I guess people are really that malleable with the right words at the right time can change history drastically. I wonder if someone like Locke and Demosthenes was around the entire Great War could have been avoided. Is this what actually happened? Did the world plunge into conflict after a great battle with an outside source, but instead of someone rising up to unite us....the world just plunged further into conflict and death? That's silly of course, there is no such thing as Buggers or even aliens!

Rivet City was indeed exactly as it was described: A giant, docked carrier ship filled with people and old equipment. I was in awe of how they constructed a rotating bridge from a old piece of walkway and a crane. The crane would be moved by and operator to swing the walkway into its position to allow travelers into the city and their enemies out.

I was greeted by what appears to be the Chief of Police around here, but never did catch her name. She just yelled a lot, while I argued against her claims. It mostly boiled down to her not trusting me and me trying to explain why I was here. It ended with her grounding my Vertibird for the time being and me to prove that I am not a threat.

The inside was filled with clutter and rust, but that was easily suspected to be after such a long time. I walked through corridor after another until I came to a flight of stairs with directional signs labeled clearly for me to find my way to the Science Lab. "I am finally here" was my thoughts until I actually got into the science lab.

It was a cleaner place then the rest, but that's not saying much. Pipes weaved in and out of the area like a dense spiderweb of hot pressure. Tables organized around a central water processor layed out most the room where random assortments of equipment and junk filled the empty gaps. Women in lab coats hustled around trying to do many things at once....I wasn't even noticed until sometime.

At this exact point was when my hopes of finding and joining and intelligent community of scientists died. It was a long period of time that me and the head scientist, Dr.Lei, spent chatting about the current ongoing events around town and the wasteland.

The conversation had a two points worth noting right now that made the most impact on me. the first was that the Enclave is hated around here. Just saying I was one of them made the doctor almost seem to hit me. She told me she wouldn't tell anyone, since I was a nice guy apparently, but never to tell anyone else of my alliance. I don't get it...the Enclave is there for its people. Right? Why hate those trying to rebuild this great nation? The one thing that disturbed me was when she said, "I didn't even know the Enclave was still around." Did we go into hiding while I was gone? Has something happened? Either way I didn't push it...

The other fact was that the scientists were not doing great experiments and research like I thought. They were simply trying to grow fruits and vegetables without the radiation. A noble cause, but that won't help us fight the super mutants or other threats plaguing this land. We need to focus on shaping this land to be safe enough for children to wander around and then focus on recolonization!

Either way it seemed like something I just couldn't focus on right now and told the good doctor I would be around if they needed help, but that was just out of courtesy. A man named Zimmer came up to me after our conversation about a missing Android. He talked down to me like I was some sort of savage, but his proposition intrigued me. He had a missing android and needed someone like me to find it. Imagine! A working android to study and save for the massive amount of pre-war tech that things holds inside of it! Zimmer promised Commonweath technology and caps. I just wanted to find such a amazing example of pre-war tech. I told him I would look into it.

I headed next to the marketplace to trade and chat with the locals. Some seemed to be happy with a traveler, but others seemed to try and ignore me. Funny how the shop-keepers welcomed me with a smile, but the others seemed to resent me. I wonder how many travelers actually come through here? I guess it would be many, but from the way they look at me it might be much less then I first thought.
I stopped at a local restaurant of sorts and got some old pre-war food called "Jack Link's Beef Jerky". It was a lot better then most the stuff I have eaten lately, but seemed a bit stale. I guess you can count on that with pre-war food. It was still delicious and I wanted more, but seemed that was that. The owner mentioned his world famous Murlirk cakes....I turned him down for now.

The rest of the day was spent learning all I could about Rivet City and its citizens. I talked to a girl named Angela who is in love with a priest. I learned from A woman named Vera Weatherly that a man named Paul is addicted to chems. Quite handy when his wife owns the local drug emporium. Flak and Shrapnel own the local gun store and seem to be better then friends. A suicidal old man, a ex-slave, a slaver, a church, a historical items collector, a city council....the list goes on.

I got a few snacks and rented out a room in the Weatherly hotel to sit around and just think. Today has given me a lot of fuel for that and I simply ponder what I should do next as I sit here talking into this mic. *sigh* I guess I'll sleep on it for now. This is Devs, signing off, the most pondered man in the world.

"Still waiting on that check to clear Ritz....."

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Note Time Children!

Holonote: 1

Time: 9:48

Date: September 9, 2279


I have figured out how to use the not function in my PDA to write some entries that don't require me to talk into the mic outlet. To be honest I am tired of blabbing on about things while taking up space on my memory core. I don't know why I do it anymore, but feel a sence of duty to continue incase of the worst possible senario. Either way, these small entries will be inserted in-between my normal multimedia entries to give small updates or bits of information.

The reason I type this in is because in the small ammount of time I have been gone....Megaton has changed. It is larger with more buildings crowding around the small looking bomb and to be honest...i like the changes. Right now it seems to be still in development and the local residents are having a hard time getting around, but the town is becoming more of a city at this point. I wonder if Rivet City will be this grand? I guess I'll find out tomorrow.....

((Authors note: I felt these notes could serve as a way for me to post mods I enjoy or other Fallout 3 related content without needing to post them in-story and such. As many can tell you, I am always trying to connect and inform the community. In some ways I miss my old in-game radio-station ideas, but that is another story for another post.))

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Back in the Saddle Again

((Authors note: My dear readers, do me a favor and disregard what I said about the Friendly Neighbors mod in the last post. The author has stated that he will most likely take it down due to controversy. After certain events I have decided to stop the quest-line involved in that mod, as you will read. Otherwise everything is business as usual.))


Holotape: 22

Time: 18:11

Date: September 17, 2279


Today I have made remarkable breakthroughs! Most importantly i have rebuilt broken internal components to the Vertibird stationed here and have successfully conducted a test flight with almost perfect success. Well...I guess I technically almost crashed it into a skyline, but everything else was smooth. I even managed to fix my PDA problems and better ensure hacking into it will never happen again!

In the beginning....well...things were rough. As I have stated many times I am a biochemist and not a mechanic. While I have a broad understanding, I needed a better knowledge before i could even tinker. Luckily for me a couple of manuals were left behind in a mess of scrap metal and conductors. I guess the downside was they were written almost for people who already knew what to do.

So for the first few days I just hunted local wildlife for food and re-read the manuals over and over again. The hardest part was getting used to sleeping with the hum of machinery again without the chatter of troops to expand it. The only consolation was byrd's quite sound of hovering around in a calculated patrol route.

Megaton made me realize there was civilization still left in the world other than the Enclave, but I guess it almost made me accustom to other people always around for conversation or problems. It is an....odd....feeling to be all alone in a large outpost. With Enclave security I know I am secure, but in that there is a sense of emptiness. Loneliness bleeds from the walls.

The hunting is my only escape from the silent walls of the outpost, but even that can be quite dull. A few dogs or these large crab people named "Mirelurks" by the people of Megaton serve as my main course with cans of food i found in a destroyed house as a backup for taste. To be honest the world "destroyed" is quite the opposite of what it should be called. Compared to other places it was actually nice and sturdy.

The only human contact I have gotten is a group of raiders that have tried to take the outpost for their own greedy ways. The automated turrets did their job with a fierce determination and collapsed any hope they had along with most of their heads. The loot was mostly tapped together gear that seemed almost pointless with the armory loot I had....this is odd thinking since a few days ago I would have easily killed for gear like this to sell to Moria.

I feel that now I can finally go back to Megaton now that my Vertibird project has reached its finally stages in development, but fear that I won't stay long enough to get accustom to it again. My sights are for Rivet City and then to Raven Rock. I know the general location of Rivet, but I guess a giant dry-docked ship wouldn't be hard to miss...especially from the air.

The repairs were easy enough with Byrd giving me general diagnosis and days of endless readings and education on the workings of Vertibirds. The shortened version of a long story is that it is now working with enough patch work to make me extremely nervous.

The first test flight was going to be a simple take off and landing, but the landing was what really gave me problems. The thrusters lifted quite well, but the frequency and intensity wasn't working as planned and landing was almost me just falling from the air. I tried a side maneuver that threw my Vertibird almost right into the side of a skyline! Luckily i managed to maneuver it back and close enough to land. I guess now i just have to patch the intensity nozzle....

I guess I will sign off for now as I am extremely exhausted and need some rest. It has been a long week without rest. Hopefully soon I shall be in the greatest wasteland city finding the location back to base and my lost brothers. For now this is Devs, the most determined man in the world.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Enclave Outpost and Techinical Problems











Proccess failure....







-BZZT- the......





ERROR...Safe Mode Activated.....


Contact supervisor.....



Ha! I got it working! If only I could bring the core functions back online...maybe if I rewrote the....oh! Um....oh yeh this is on. Well I guess I'll explain in-case anyone thinks I went crazy or something after hearing this!

Scientifically speaking...some bastard tried to hack into my PDA. Well maybe not so much scientific....anyway the point is that the wastelanders out here are much smarter then I imagined. I placed safeguards on my device before coming out here, but I didn't figure anyone could figure out C++++ safe-securities! Luckily I caught it in time and stopped any permanent damage, but my PDA is close to useless at this point in time.

Blast if only I could find more equipment around here! When the Enclave leave a place they really strip it down. My question is why that one Vertibird was still docked at its assigned station....was it just a lucky break or is there something I'm not observing close enough?

Let's see what I can do for now...maybe get some primary functions only...well I better start from the beguining. Something to do while I......









is that working now? Oh yes, the lights back on. Thanks Byrd. Anyway, as I was saying: Today started out normal after a long night with Moria and Courtney. I need a drink after arguing over the Beckham's fifth law. A mole-rat repelant? With that much juice it might blow the damn thing's head off!

I keep getting distracted and those error messages are starting to annoy me. At least I was able to take the speaker function offline while keeping the microphone app. These problems started right before! God rest his soul...if only I had my screwdriver!

A simple slave wanting freedom and I acc.....well....actually in a way I gave him just that. I caved into his demands and after a while of tinkering with his collar...I think I rerouted the wrong wires. Biochemistry is more my field then primitive electrician.

Either way, i found something interesting in his belongings. A holotape from somebody near Paradise telling him to find me out. I turned to Gob and he went on his uss......




and he didn't even try to listen! The first contact with my comrades and a shoot on sight basis has accrued! I know they can't trust anyone, but he didn't have to shoot before I identified my serial number for confirmation! Either way, he is dead now and I guess this base is mine.

The Enclave cleared it out a while ago. I remember because one of the soldiers was sent to my decision for testing on a strange infection he got on the way back to base. It was weird and further enhanced out FEV researching...too bad he died in the process.

Either way I now seem to own a empty Enclave outpost with little to nothing in supplies, but a lone Vertibird. A stashed armory with weapons I don't normally use....but....some nice plasma rifles kept me from declaring it a total loss. I guess it's always some ray of sunshine somewhere.

A Class 2 Eyebot codenamed "Byrd" wandered around the base and seems to be quite helpful. It wasn't able to give me directions to Raven Rock due to its programming to wipe all location based information on outpost abandonment. I now regret us putting that in there...

Anyway, he was able to tell me that the base was long abandoned and so forth, but nothing I hadn't already read in a debrief sometime ago. I am currently working on getting the main systems online, but what really gets me excit......



Thursday, September 3, 2009

School Eviction


Holotape: 20

Time: 19:20

Date: September 8, 2279


I am alpha and omega....the beginning and the end. I will give him that is athirst of the fountain of the water of life freely.

The raiders that had previously occupied the Springvale School over stayed their welcome and right to claim the water of life. They paid for their misuse of the gift of life with their own blood. As Raven Squad used to say, "fight fire with fire".

I am starting to think I was destined to get stranded in the wasteland the way I did. I guess doing lab work was important, but I feel the compulsion to help these people and these raiders were just the start. With my scientific knowledge and quick wit.....well...I guess my abilities are better helping the less fortunate then some giant government safely secure in fortified bases.

The inside hadn't changed much since I was last there, but I doubt the raiders cared for interior design. While it was no surprise that the bodies were was an oddity that no defenses were created. In fact, I didn't see a raider till I got into the back area of the school. Though now thinking about makes complete sense for what they were trying.

I carefully moved my way through the base levels of the school with nothing but torn cadavers and haunting imagery from a past innocence that will linger in my mind for a long time. Bastards.
I almost cried in scientific anguish when I found the library to be almost completely destroyed. books burned or torn up without was....horrific to say. Think of all we could have learned from the past with those! Hundreds of years of history gone up in a blaze due to some sodomy loving theifs!
I wonder if there is a library out there that holds un-touched books? There must be! I wonder if the Enclave is including that in our reconstruction plans.....

It wasn't long enough until some raiders spotted me rooting around the over turned book shelves and opened fire. Luckily they are clumsy and loud so I could detect them before they ripped me into tiny parts like their previous captives. I was able to take them down without much effort with my ppsh, but one of their bullets ripped through my shoulder.
While I am completely healed now (thanks to the doc), the pain in my arm limited my efforts quickly to a one-handed operation. I took my silenced .32 with me and quickly put it to good work while taking down a few raiders without much noise. I can get used to this silent combat. Reminds me of....whats the name again? Ninjuas? Silent warriors from a age long forgotten....
Anyway, I quickly removed the rest of the raiders with the element of surprise and evasion on my side. I got to the heart of their operations and found a few supplies I later sold to Moria. Been going there less and less since that Courtney came along....
I found a computer and quickly put some hacking skills...which I only used for pranks in my youth until now...and what I found was disturbing. Apparently these raiders were trying to access a local vault by digging underneath it. Imagine the stupidity these people once emitted! Vault-tec vaults were designed for any possible outcome and fortified on all sides in case of nuclear contamination of the soil or other local sources.

Apparently, what they found instead was the hive of the giant ants Megaton has recently been having a problem with. No wonder the raiders' numbers were so small! They doomed themselves with false ambitions. Ha!
Either way I made out with little-to-nothing for my dangerous trip...but...I guess I can sleep easier at night knowing I solved one more problem for this city. I feel almost at home here, but a dream of base last night put me in a right state of mind. I need to leave soon and find Rivet City. Someone there must know where Raven Rock is or someone that does. The Enclave isn't just hiding from the it?
This is Devs, the most daring man in the world. Hehe, I like that. Makes for a good nickname. Dan "Daring" Vakolari. Maybe they will tell stories about me? Eh, one can dream I guess. Signing off.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Double Team

((Authors Note: Am I dead? Can I tell for sure? How does one tell of ones own presence....thoughts are like a puddle in a vast ocean...of the mind. What? Oh never mind. I took creative licence on your character "Rustybillabong73", so if he isn't to your liking just send me a mail telling me how much fail I did to what scale you can invent. I don't know what Billa means, but I damn well know a rusty bong is the last thing we all need. But damn good character either way.))


My name is Ben. Well Benjamin...but don't nobody call me that. I'm what they call a "drifter" and I do like the lifestyle. It is a life of freedom and fun, that being if in you can stand the heat. I get a lot of work in my line of duty, but none can be called safe. I get what I can and make by damn well.

Recently the term "merc" fits better with what I do. Also been called a bounty hunter, but I hate that name. Merc fits in as I do any odd job that needs ta be done! Haha, I am a regular mr-fix-it for wasteland politics. Sweet, sweet wasteland politics. Authority never did go well with me...

Heheh, this is my favorite fucking picture. I snagged that guitar off of some poor sap who happened to stumble into the wrong raider ambush I later cleaned up. Simple job with the money being on the same level of....simple....but the guitar made up for it.

I like it to be far away you see, a quick snipe and any poor fool that gets in the way of my scope will be nothin but dog chow. I pity them. why I became a merc in the first place. I love shootin people, why not get paid ta do it! I am smarter then most in that I take my time and sweet patience to aim a shot before all hell breaks loose. No point in rushing in head first, leave that to the rooks.

Life can be rough, I tell you what. I just got to a town called Megaton and already have the local police on my ass. Some calamity james marching around like hes the mayor or some shit. Even worse, the slavers I was sent to deal with are all dead. My contractor said "I am too slow". Well fuck him, I'll show him.

I need a job and fast, been coped up in the local regular house. Smells bad and the food is just as bad. If I could I would get back to Rivet City where there is always some shit for the local police to have me do. By the books as they say. Shit.

Well I'm tired of recording in this little do-hicky. I find it kinda pointless, but people will need a reference when they tell my story years to come. Well I guess I am signing...this...thing off. This is Ben, fuck yeh!


Holotape: 19

Time: 20:20

Date: September 7, 2279


Well the last few days have say the least...I guess. Moria has been acting strange lately, as if she is lost in thought constantly. I wonder if that is due to a adverse side-effect from a recent experiment she has conducted. It doesn't help that little wana-be scientist keeps intruding in. Now she has been asking me about my rock-it launcher! Can you believe that?

"Ooooh how does this work? Ooooh how inventive!" she says. Bah! Either she is trying to annoy me or a double agent working for some shadow government trying to steal my secrets from the Enclave. Ok that's far, but what if someone was from a shadow government? those couldn't possibly be around....could they? I guess....theoretically....

Anyway, so work is normal in a way. Been going on rather frequent trips to the wasteland to make sure I don't get rusty in combat and to find more scrap metal to keep Megaton from crumbling under the plane it was built with.

Who builds a town from a plane around a bomb anyway? Good idea from the beginning....

This mercenary came into town the other day and just caused trouble. Got into an argument with the sheriff, then went to Moriarty's....only to march out and yell at me for killing the slavers. I had half a mind to blow his head off, but then I thought against it and spent the rest of the day with Jenny. She makes the best noodles.

Either way, life has balanced out, but I still have to steal Jericho's hat and I still need to get to Rivet City. I wonder if another trade caravan could take me.....

But then again look how the last trip turned out...

I need to watch my addiction levels. The other night is a blur started by too many at Moriarty's. He is a bastard, but Gob is cool with me...for a ghoul. Impurities...I wounder if our cure will ever get created without me? I bet that asshole Alex has already taken hold of the project and forgotten my contributions....

I hope I didn't do anything I will regret, but I guess I would have already found out by now if I did?

Either way, I am tired and this headache isn't helping. Guess this is still Devs, signing off for now. The most...hmm....why do I keep saying things like this? Life is too busy right now for a specific feeling. Anyway, signing off....

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Stealing from the....

((Note from the author: Bad news to good news. First, my computer is now unable to play fallout correctly with the mods I placed to enhance it, so the struggle to get pictures is fun, but good news. I might get a friend's old laptop that plays games like fallout smoothly, so I'll be back in business soon. Other wise enjoy!))


Holotape: X

Time: XX:XX

Date: Sept@& 26, 22)^


Today I committed crimes to further my personal game .... does that make me a bad person? I guess so, but then again the wasteland doesn't have the moral capacity for me to judge. In truth, we all are guilty for many acts that once were considered crimes, but now are daily activities. When social collapse falls, so does everything else.

To put it bluntly: I stole other people's possessions for the contractor. He seemed to be an alight employer, but his current task has sent me down a path of corruption. I don't know if his rewards are good enough to justify what I am doing, but the last was proof enough that it is worth helping him.

The only item on his list I didn't have to steal was a suit owned by Moria. She was so happy with me from the other day that she practically shoved it in my hands. That girl can be good to me sometimes. Now if only the other one would get the hint and leave....

I don't wish to explain how I stole the rest due to the case that the sheriff might catch me and use this holotape as evidence to kill me. Then again .... I guess no evidence is needed in this world.

Suffice to say, most of it was random parts or items belonging to the less able citizens. It wasn't too hard to simply walk into their house and take what I needed. Apparently nobody has heard of a lock in Megaton. Or at least to lock their home during the day.

Either way the last thing on my list is Jericho's hat....oh boy is this going to go well....

Friday, August 28, 2009

Small Vengence


Holotape: 17

Time: 17:32

Date: September 3, 2279


I awoke today with a sore head and fatigued mindset. I don't remember much about yesterday after I went into Moriarty's .... but my last holotape reminded me. Now I have been told that alcohol will bring out another side to you, and apparently it does that exact thing to me. I have never consumed much of the stuff ... so last night was like swimming in the ocean when I only have swam in a small pond before.

A world of mystery and a constant struggle this wasteland is continuing to turn out to be. The harsh realities kicking me in the face when the sheriff took me into his private home. Apparently the slavers were causing a ruckus and refusing to leave .... a perfect time for me to get some well sought after vengeance.

The town's people had a quiet meeting and now they will turn a blind eye if a slaver's head explodes, as shown today. My task was not one of science, but due to me growing personal grief I felt it had to be done. While a quick nod to the sheriff ... I set out to complete my gruesome task.

While the population wasn't going to interfere ... I still had to make a solid plan as to how I was going to take down 5 heavily armed slavers at once. After many calculations and analysis of the surrounding environment ... nothing came as a good solution to my problem. Most of the flaws came from the fact that the town's folk could not hide in-doors, as to not alert the slavers, and so I had to keep my violence to a safe distance and precision.

Suffice to say .... I did it. Without pity or remorse they are now gone. While I feel it would make me sick to think about the details .... the way I achieved such a lofty .... and .... violent goal. It melted down to just sheer brute force. A force I have never applied once in my life-time, but this just seemed appropriate.
I started at the top of the old vertibird-pad and worked my way down. I tried to take the first slaver down quietly...but...I guess a corpse falling from a giant tower was a dead give-away. Before the slavers could react, I was on them like .... well .... as quickly as I could.
Head shot here, broken legs there, and then it was all over. The others just nodded to each other and a couple carried the corpses away. I was .... a hero ... I guess ....
The moral dilemma netted me 100 caps and a .32 revolver with a silenced attachment. It was an amazing weapon to be honest, but the entire event didn't give me the solace I so longed for. I need to find out what happened at Paradise Falls .... but then I need to get to Rivet City .... but I still want to find out where the base is to reclaim my old life ....

The one good thing about today was I out-staged "Courtney". She isn't as bad as the last holo-tape gave away, but the look on Moria's eyes when I dumped a load of slaver gear on her desk for parts made it at least partially worth while. She was like a child at Christmas and I smiled for the first time in a while as I went back home. Taking some parts for myself, I improved my outfit to better suit me for these wastes.

What am I going to do? I have no real place in this world ... everything made sense while the Enclave .... but now ....
This is Devs, signing off, and who may be the most indecisive man in the world.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

The Contractor


Continuing rebuilding process in background...

Re-enabling playback:


Holotape: 16

Time: 20:20

Date: September 2, 2279


Today was an extremely interesting day, but that can be said for almost any day in the wastes. A lot happened at once, but I'll try and stick with the most important events today.

The first is quite possibly just a negative effect of the radiation tests Moria had me do the other day. She meant well ... anyway the whole point is that I had a spectacular thing happened, while I was talking to a man named Jericho, that contradicts my whole basis of scientific knowledge.

To put it in "simple terms" ... I saw a ghost. Oh how that sounds so ridiculous when said out loud! I just can't put it any other way. I was having a conversation about wasteland survival with Jericho and out of the corner of my eye I saw him! He appeared to be flesh and blood, but nobody else could see him and his movements were inhuman! A foul smell protruded out of him as he swayed in the crisp air for Eden knows what reason!

All I know is nobody else saw him and now people suspect me for a drug addict. They should be looking at that Stahl boy for that....

Getting away from the supernatural though: Megaton has a new hero. Apparently a man by the named "Jay" ... or something like that ... disarmed the bomb in the center of town and has put us all at ease. Well ... I guess not those atom worshipers ....

Either way, I feel better now knowing we won't blow up at any second. Though I wasn't so worried, I mean I could have done it! Just a few practice explosives and some ingenuity! Well ... I was more of a biochemist, but .... anyway ......

What DID piss me off ... excuse my language .... what did make me angry was the "new girl on the block"! She thinks she can just walk in and become Moria's favorite little pet! Bah, I worked hard and some gutter scientist thinks she can come up and steal my grant money ... or ... whatever Moria gives us as rewards. Either way, I won't have my position compromised by this girl .... I think her name was "Courtney" or something .... It doesn't matter!

Moria and me used to be great partners! We would spend long nights together having the time of our lives trying to reproduce lab results! I would go off and do her dirty work just to come back to her giggling and appreciation. Now some tramp wants to come in and kick me out! I am not going back to work for that old kook and his water-pipes!

Ugh, and that is why I am where I am now. I needed a drink after today and Gob is always there to supply my need for a sufficient relaxant. But ....

This time was different. This time a man sat there and had a word with me. He gave no name or identification, but what he did give was an opportunity. He said he would pay me handsomely to remove the slaver presence in Megaton. I don't know if it was the rage or booze, but I accepted his offer.

I need to think of a plan, but right now it's good to know I will get the pleasure of tearing those slaver's lives asunder. I will never forget what happened at Paradise Falls and this is just the beginning ....

I need to sleep and plan .... but tomorrow will be a turning point in my life ... I promise that ....

First those slavers will be ended by my hand .... and then ... I will fix that girl. Screw science, the wasteland demands action!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009



Ending playback....




Enter Command: Playback holotape "152b-32"




Command Verified:

Playback enabled:


Holotape: X

Time: XX:XX

Date: X X, XXXX


Hello? Is this thing on? .....

My name is Paladin Lester of the Brotherhood of Steel's eastern division. My team's goal was the exploration and fortification of a metro system under the capitol building ... or what is left. I am recording this ... I am recording this in case we don't make it back ....

We have stumbled onto something big. Our discovery is the key to the finial destruction of the super mutant threat and will turn the tide of war greatly into the brotherhood's favor. A relic long passed that ca ..... *static*


Error: Integrity damage


Enter command: Reconstruct




Please wait while coding compiles . . .

Monday, August 24, 2009

Super-Duper Disaster

((Note from the Auther: Yes I added a donate button, but why? Little back-story to me: I have a poor computer running low-med settings that lags like a sucker when mods are introduced into the equation. With school and bills taking most my funding, it will be sometime before I can afford a new computer. I will not go on some long "boo-hoo" rant or anything, but suffice to say if you send donations would be wildly appreciated and rewarded. I don't expect any donations, but what I do expect is for you, the reader, to enjoy my blog. And that means I need feedback via e-mail or comments. That would make me the happiest blogger in the blag-o-sphere.))


Ending omnipotent function...........




Playback re-enabled...


Holotape: 15

Time: 20:01

Date: September 1, 2279


I guess I have begun to change my outlook on life as I continually become more acquainted with my surroundings and, more importantly, the town of Megaton. A normal routine has finally surfaced, but the term "routine" is used as more of a .... reference. A loose term used to describe a life of scavenging and repairing old equipment ... though I dare say ... it is ..... enjoyable?

I have noticed a change in my personality as well today and you can't blame me for liking the new me. I have become more assertive and extremely less passive in my social and physical conduct. Mostly in the way that I handle myself and my well being.

I had my epiphany today due to a "errand" that Moria had me do. I swear .... every task she sends me on is a suicide mission! But .... yet .... every time she starts giggling and looks at me with those ... innocent eyes .... I just can't think of what she says as dangerous. Demon woman.

I was tasked with searching the ruined grocery store near by and to bring back whatever I could find. It didn't seem to stimulate me inventive mind, but it sounded like just the right task for me to go resupply without paying that damn Moriarty. He is one of the mos .... well .... that's for another holotape I guess. Out of stupidity, I left my Rock-it Launcher Mark-2 at home and instead brought my conventional weapons.

The task started out simple with nothing around to harm me and enough of a sight to give me the most spectacular sight of my life! I have had many holophotos and regular photos of the Washington monuments .... but this .... this was something on a whole different spectrum. I took a picture and I guess it will be the corner-stone of my collection. A true oasis in such a wasteland ... I bet things are better down there ... some form of law and government at such an ... American ... place.

I quickly came back to mind and focus on the task at hand as I got closer to the large building that was my destination. My objective seemed to break down right after the bus exploded .....

Such a heavy release of atomic energy sent me to my feet as the bus became even more decrepit. Thinking of it now ... I guess it is a fitting replication of what happened to our world. After getting to me feet, I quickly grabbed my pipe-rifle and hid behind the closest barrier (which happened to be a dumpster). Waiting for my enemy to come into view was probably a smart idea, but my confidence caught up with me and dragged me around the corner.

What I saw .... what I first saw .... it was like .... I guess a bear? Either way I'm lucky to be such a timid sort at times as I rounded the corner, to only fall back while screaming at what was looking me straight in the eye. I yelled more as I pointed my gun, but luckily the trader waved me out of my decision yelling back that his .... of what was it? Yoai-guy ...... something like that. Anyway, his giant bear was peaceful as long as i didn't try to harm either one of them.

It was a morally conflicting situation because I wanted to trade with him, but at the same time I didn't want to get near that bear. I politely gave a nod and walked around him as he scavenged some raider corpses that I guess were from the earlier skirmish.

The store was called the "Super-Duper Mart" and I felt the name to be fitting. Such a childish name was a perfect trap for a gang of raiders and soon that it only proved my point. The place was crawling with the bastards as they walked around every corner, doing god-knows what. I decided not to cause a scene and crept around some cash-registers to the closest room.

To explain what happened after is like describing how a kid hits a hornets nest with a baseball bat. Sure, it started ok as I found a fridge containing many assorted packages of food and invited me to take everything in a greed fueled by hunger. I guess I should face Jenny again after what happened ... my silent protest of Moriarty and his goons are really taking their toll on my food supply.

Anyway back to what happened. For the first time in my life .... I was truly greedy. I concluded the raiders were protecting more then food and i wanted it. My plan was to sneak around the back and while they weren't looking, simply take it. Well that plan failed miserably as I opened the door to the room i was in and a raider I hadn't seen looked over at me. He screamed, I fired, and the whole building went crazy.

I couldn't accurately describe what happened next. My mind was working in fight-or-flight mode and I was struggling to keep alive. My stitches the doc put in my are still in pain. Anyway, I grabbed the weapon the raider's corpse was grasping and I pulled it around to face my first foe. She was a dirty looking one with a wielder-mask on .... probably to hid her shame. Either way I pulled the trigger of the weapon as she run up to me and I shot back with recoil and so did her head.

I can honestly say I love this weapon. Ammo is hard to find, but it really packs a punch. Nothing like shooting cans from my Rock-it ... but lets not mention that to my future customers when I open my own store. Either way it was a true life saver....until I ran out of bullets.

At that point I had to equip my pipe-rifle and my realization I had never accurately aimed in combat shined like a beacon as I constantly missed. That's how I got shot the first time ... in the leg ... bastard ....

I guess my will to live out did those raiders, as soon the room fell silent. In a way I was lucky, but in the other i had felt like a true wasteland warrior. I had defeated many foes today, by myself, and earned that stash of weapons. I had to find a crate to haul it all, but now my home stash is filled with ammo and weapons.

While in the secure room ... I came upon a surprise. It was a rob-co maintenance robot. We had many back at base to do manual work, but this one seemed to not have been in service for quite a while.

After a few rerouted the log-in commands and created a backdoor, the computer was mine to play with. I started up the robot with a employee Id I had found next to the computer. And wouldn't you know it, the damn thing started up! Another miracle of science!

As luck would have it, more raiders came in. The seemed to have been a hunting party and were quite peeved to find their comrades dead. I was almost on my knees praying as the robot started shooting them. Luck, science, or a miracle ... I took it. I snuck out during the commotion with a few gabs and a crate filled with supplies.

Long story short ... Moria was thrilled. She was so grateful she gave me more food and hugged me. I had never wanted to hurt someone more in my life. He cheerful attitude never breaks and as she questioned all about it, she took it lightly. Of course this is to be expected. She mentioned something about a minefield, but I just gave a weak smile and told her I was going home.

Suffice to say, I got home and stored all my goods away. My night didn't end as I started, and finished, two projects of my own. The first was to secure a better locking mechanism on my door to keep out thieves. That was an easy fix with some scrap metal and some wiring to make a computerized system. The second ... well ... it was simple to improve on my gear with spare parts I had found. I finally feel like a wastelander...

Signing off, this is Devs, the most outfitted man in the world.